Dorema Magnum Airforce 260 & Additional Extensions
Due to the success of the StarCamp lightweight version Dorema have now produced the Magnum Airforce in the latest TenCate DormaTex materials. This new specification allows the awning to be used throughout the Seasons and can be seasonally sited if required. The Easy Air Frame system (EAF) and onevalve inflation point allows the awning to be erected with consummate ease. This new model is produced in Europe in our own modern facilities using the latest materials and technology available. The Additional Extensions (Add Ex’s) make this the most versatile awning on the market. A base model of 260cm with 1 AddEx (Left or Right) will give you 530cm of space or 800cm if both are added. The same AddEx’s can also be fitted to the 390 Base which increases size to 660cm left or right or even an eye watering 930cm if both AddEx’s are fitted allowing the camper additional space for those unexpected visitors.